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04 July 2014
How To Clean Your Windows The Eco-Friendly Way
How To Clean Your Windows The Eco-Friendly WayWhen it comes to cleaning your home there are lots of people who prefer to use non-chemical cleaning products. Not only are non-chemical cleaning products better for your home and for the environment, but they can also be cheaper and are very easy and quick to make! Cleaning your windows in an eco-friendly manner is just as easy, and you’ll find yourself more than impressed with eco-friendly cleaners as opposed to chemical ones! If you want more tips on how to clean your windows the environmentally-friendly way then have a look at these ideas! 1)    What you need to make your own cleaning products.Making eco-friendly cleaning products is an absolute doddle, and it’s so cheap and quick as well! On your next trip to the supermarket pick up two plastic spray bottles (such as you might use for watering house plants). You’re also going to need a bucket that you can use specifically for window-cleaning, to keep it free from other chemical products that you might use in your home. You might also want to stock up on clean sponges and cleaning cloths so that you aren’t spreading old bacteria around your home. 2)    Items you can use to make your own window cleaning product.There are some great ways to make window cleaning products, and there are lots of ingredients that you can use that you probably already have around your home! White vinegar and lemon juice are two of the most popular all-natural items that can be used to clean your home. Take a small amount of one or the other and mix with warm water into your spray bottle. The antibacterial properties of both lemon and white vinegar are great for use around the home, but be aware that white vinegar can leave a lingering scent! For a fresh-smelling and thoroughly clean home, try using lemon and water to clean your windows. 3)    Preparation.Before you start you should have your bucket, filled with warm water, your cleaning agent of choice, a selection of clean sponges and cleaning cloths, a window wipes and some towels. Place the towels on the floor before you begin in case water drips down – you don’t want to slip and fall on a wet patch of your floor, so make sure a towel’s down to protect yourself! 4)    Cleaning your window frames.Start by dusting your window frames with a clean cloth. If you have stains or stubborn dirt marks then spritz a little of your homemade cleaning agent onto a damp sponge and use light buffing motions to lift the dirt. Wipe away any excess filth that’s left behind and you’ll have wonderfully clean window frames! 5)    Glass cleaning.Glass cleaning can be tricky, as it’s easy for stains and streaks to be left behind. Fill a bucket with the lemon or vinegar mixture and use a damp sponge. Don’t saturate the sponge too much – you’ll only need a little of the water, and too much will leave your windows looking less than great and cause more work for you. Start at the top of each window and move down using loose “S” motions to lift dirt without leaving marks behind. Never buff or scrub at your windows as this will leave them looking dirty and streaky! Use a window wiper to get rid of any excess water before it drips and you can avoid unsightly streaks.

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